
Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Allison's Percent Post


What does percent mean?
Per(out of) cent(one hundred)

Why 100%
Its 100% because its just right it's not too high and not too low of a number. It's a number that can be easily seen. The percent sign
( % )
 represents 100 the line equals the 1 and the 2 circle are the 0's.

There are improper fractions or top heavy. What it means is that the numerator (part) is greater than the denominator (whole)

205/100 represents
205%, 205 out of 100, and 2 wholes.

What does....
10% means? 10% means 10/100, 1/10 (equivalent fraction)
50% means? 50% means half, part/whole, 20/40 or 50/100
25% means? 25/100 1/4 (one quarter)
1% means?  1/100 1 out of 100
100% means? all, whole, everything, 40/40 or 100/100

Representing Percent's: 180%, 0.6%, 12 3/8%

a) 180%

b) 0.6%

c) 12 3/8%

Convert each decimal to a percent and a fraction

Convert each fraction to a decimal and a percent

Convert each percent to a decimal and a fraction

Percent of a number
1) 20% of 60
  Mental Math:
            %    |      #                   Calculation:
          100   | 60                      20/100= 0.2
/10     10     | 6                         0.2x60=12
x2       20    | 12

2) 0.1% of 40   
 Mental Math                        Calculation:
             %   |    #                   0.1/100= 0.01
             100| 40                     0.01x40= 0.4
 /100      1   |  0.4             
/10       0.1  |  0.4     

3)   250% of 400
       Mental Math

                    #      |   %                            Calculation:
                    400  |  100                           250 ÷100= 2.5
            x2   800   |   200   x2                   2.5x400=1000 
           ÷4    200   |   50     ÷4
                   1000 |  250

Combining percent's

When you are working with money you're expecting to have discounts, sale prices, and total price with taxes. 

Discount-what you save
Sale price- what you pay

When you are trying to find the sale price you take the regular price and subtract it from the discount to get the sale price.

                                     Regular price- Discount= Sale price

When you are trying to find the total price including taxes you add up the items or item you bought to find the total price. Now you have to add the tax to the total price. If the tax was 13% you would add 13% to the total price which is the all, the whole, the 100%
100+13= 113
You then divide 113 (the total price including tax) by 100.
113 ÷100=1.13
 The 1 represents the total price and the 13 represents the tax.            Now you multiply 1.13 by the total price (e.g. 147.25)
1.13x147.25= 166.3925 or 166.39
Total price including tax= $166.39

4.4 Page 149
Question 7:
A herd of caribou moved to a new location. The population increased by 10% for the first year and then was increased by 20% in the second year.

a) Find the population after the second year.
b) Explain why there was not a 30% increase of the over the two years.


 100+10= 110     110 ÷100=1.1       1.1x100= 110

100+20=120      120÷100=1.2       1.2x110= 132
After the second year there was 132 caribous.    

b) There was not a 30% increase of the two years because the 100% changed when the second year increased it by 20%. In the first year the population of the caribou was 100, now that the second year came by instead of the population being 100 anymore it increased which is 110% (the new 100%).

Show you know

What is the final sale price at each store? Which is a better buy?
Explain your thinking.
Store A: 50% off one day only.
Store B: 25% of one day followed by 25% off th e reduced price the second day.

Store A: 50% off a $300.00 sofa.
Since the discount is 50% (what you save)off the $300.00 sofa you can divide it by 2 since 50% is half of the regular price.
300÷2= 150 or        50÷100=0.5 0.5x300=150
The total price is $150.00

Store B
First day: 25% off a $300.00 sofa.
So now you are trying to find out what 25% of $300.00 is (what you are saving)
25÷100= 0.25     0.25x300= 75
25% off 300.00 is $75.00(what you are saving)

300-75=$225.00 (what you are paying) or
75÷100=0.75    0.75x300= $225.00 (the new 100%)

Second day
 25% off a $225.00 sofa.
Now you have to find what you are saving 25% off of $225.00

25÷100= 0.25    0.25x225.00= $56.25
You are saving $56.25
Now you have to find what you actually have to to pay. Since the discount is 25% off the sale price will be 75% of the regular price(it's 75% because 25+75= 100%) which is $225.00.
75÷100= 0.75   0.75x225.00=168.75
You are now paying $168.75 for the sofa.

For the conclusion, store a has a better price than store b because in store a you only pay $150.00 and you are saving $150.00 also. In store b you are paying $168.75 off of the new price and you are only saving $56.25. So if you buy from store a you are saving $18.75 of store b.yay. Overall Store A is a better buy than Store B.

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