
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Lizley's Scribe Post

Adding Integers

(+5) + (-2) = ?

How to add Integers:

1. Add these to help you out:
+5 = have 5
-2 = owe 2

2. +5 = +++++
     -2 = --

*The rest is 3 +'s. So the answer is +3

(+5) + (-2) = +3

(+6) + (-4) = +2
have 6  &   owe 4  = have 2
- - - -

Subtracting Integers

5 - 2 = +3
have 5 remove owe 2 = have 3

so it becomes..
5(-2) = +3

then use +s & -s

5(-2) = +3

Jacob's Multiplying Integers Scribe Post

Multiplying Integers-
Repeated Addition: 4+4+4=12
Three groups of four

3x(-4)=                           (-2)x(+3)= -6
(-4)+(-4)+(-4)=12      / \   Remove 2 groups of +3      / \
3 groups of (-4)         |____(+++) (+++) _____________|
(----) (----) (----)                    ---     ---
(  )= groups    
                             Remove 2 groups of -3
                       /\      +++  +++       /\
                        |____(---)  (---)_____|

(-2)x(+3)= removing groups        (+2)x(+3)= make groups
(-2)x(-3)= removing groups         (+2)x(-3)= make groups


Sign Rule (Part 1)
When integers have the same value (+ or -) the product is positive.
When the integers have different values (+,-) the product is negative
(+2)×(-3)=-6            (-2)×(+3)=-6
(+2)×(+3)=6             (-2)×(-3)=6

Sign Rule (Part 2)
When multiplying integers count the negative signs
Odd number= negative product
Even number= positive product
\            /
     (+6) × (-1)=(-6)

 \           /
     (+6) × (-1)

Rafael's Multiplying and Dividing Scribe Post

First of all you'll need the  sign rule from adding all the way to subtracting.
The sign rules are:

If theres two of the same integers (+,-) it means the answer is positive
eg. (+4)+(+9)=+13

If the signs are different (+,-) the answer would be negative
eg. (-4)-(+9)=-13

The sign rule only works while using subtracting, dividing, multiplying, and adding
(1.)(+4)+(+9)=+13 (2.)(-4)-(+9)=-13

(3.)(-4)-(-9)=+5 (4.)(+3)x(+2)=+6

(5.)(+3)x(-3)=-9 (6.)(-5)x(-5)=+25

(7.)(-8)÷(+4)=-2 (8.)(-8)÷(-4)=+2


Sentences for both multiplying and division are:

Multiplying sentences always go with groups of, like:
eg. 3 groups of +2 or +6

Dividing sentences always go with either Share no. into no. equal groups or how many groups of no. are in no., like:
eg. Share -8 into +4 equal groups or -2
eg. how many groups of -4 are in +8 or -2

These are the multiplying and dividing diagrams:

But Dividing has so much diagrams based in sentences, like:

And Dividing also has some division that can't use one of the two statements, like:

eg. (-8)÷(-4)=+2
How many groups of (-4) are in (-8)/ can't use "share" statements/ CAN BE DIAGRAMED

eg. (+8)÷(-4)=-2 
How many groups of (-4) are in (+8)/ can't use "share" statements/ CAN BE DIAGRAMED

And then there's something called the Multiplicative Inverse
Which means the multiplication statement can't be diagramed like this question, but can be stated.
eg. (-4)x(-2)=+8         


Monday, January 20, 2014

Allison's Scribe Post

Allison Concepcion's Scribe Post: How to divide integers

There are many ways to divide integers some ways will work some cannot. Dividing integers is a bit more complex than multiplying integers but the same sign rule applies. A positive and a positive equals a positive. A negative and a positive equals a negative, and a negative and a negative equals a positive.

What does ÷ mean? This symbols means you are sharing _?_ into _?_ equal groups in this case lets just say you are sharing (+8) into 2 equal groups. When you are dividing integers the numerator is what you have ( you have 8) and the denominator represents how many groups there are (you have 2 groups) e.g.

8- What you have
2- How many groups you have

First off, if you are dividing two positives, there are two possible ways to show your work.

(+8)÷(+2)= 4

Step 1: Have (+8) and have 2 groups.
Share (+8) into 2 equal groups.

Step 2: Now you share (+8) into two equal groups
Your answer will be 4

Now that you've figured out how to show your work in one way, here's another way of how to show your work.

You are asking yourself, how many groups of (+2) are in (+8)?

Step 1: have your (+8)

Step 2: Now, ask yourself how many groups of (+2) are in (+8)
There are 4 groups of (+2) in (+8)
Your answer is 4

If you are dividing a negative and a positive integers, try to use the same method as before.

(-8)÷(+4)= -2

Step 1: Share (-8) into 4 equal groups

Step 2: You share (-8) groups into 4 equal groups
Your answer is -2

Method 2: How many groups of (+4)  are in (-8)?
You cannot do this method because there are no groups of positive 4 in negative 8.


 This time you are dividing a negative by a negative and also see if one of the two methods work.

Method 1: Share (-8) into (-4) groups.
It is not going to work because there is no such thing as (-4) equal groups.


Method 2: How many groups of (-4) are in (-8)?

Step 1: Have your (-8)

Step 2: Now ask yourself, how many groups of (-4) are in (-8)

                  ↓                                    ↓
         1 group               +            1 group             =              2 groups

         Your answer is 2.

Now, you are dividing a positive by a negative, same rules apply try the same two methods to see if one of the two methods work.

(+8)÷(-4)= -2

Step 1: Share (+8) into (-4) equal groups


You cannot do this method because there is no such thing as sharing positive 8 into negative 4 equal groups. 

Method 2: How many groups of (-4) are in (+8)?


Once again you cannot do this method because there are no groups of (-4) in (+8)

Since none of these methods work there is another different method that we can use which is called Multiplicative Inverse. Multiplicative inverse is basically the opposite of dividing so instead od dividing to figure out the answer you have to multiply to get the answer.

Step 1: Ask your self (-4) multiplied by what will equal (+8)?

(-4)x (? ) =(+8)

Step 2: If you figure out what the missing number is that will be your answer.

(-4)x (? ) =(+8)
(-4)x(-2)= (+8)

-2 will be your answer.

You cannot show this method by using a model you can only show this method by using multiplicative inverse.

(Skip to 7:09 to learn how to divide integers)

NICNAC'S scirbe post

                                                             integer division
(+8) / (+2)= +4
share (+8) into (2) equal groups
++++     ++++
           2 equal groups
how many groups of +2 are in +8
++ ++ ++ ++

-8 / +4= -2
share -8 into 4 equal groups
-- -- -- --

-8 / -4 = +2
multiple intensive

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Trina's scribe pots


Sign rule part 1 

when the Integer have the same value +or- the product is positive 

when the Integer have different values (+) (-) the product is negative 

(+2 )X (+3) X (-1) X (-1) 
       +6 x (-1) 
          -6 x (-1) = +6 

Sign rule part 2 

when multiplying integer count the negative signs 
odd number - product 
even number + product 

(+3) x (-4) 
3 groups of 4 

---- ---- ----

(-2) x (+3) = -6 
remove 2 groups of 3 

_ _ _  _ _ _ 
+ + +  + + + 
do a zero pair 

If the first sign is negative you will do a zero pair 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ceci's ScribePost

multiplying integers

when the integers have different value, ( - or + ) the product is negative.

when the integers have same value, ( -,+ )the product is positive.
when multiplying integers, count the negative signs
odd number = negative
even number = positive

8.2 textbook

 10. Estimate and then calculate
    1)  (+17) * (-24) = 408
 est:  (+20) * (-24) = -480
I changed 17 to 20 because 17 is close to 20, also i can calculate 20 * 24 in my head fast. 
Then i used the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have different value, the product is negative.

  2)  (+37) * (+22) = 814
est: (+40) * (+22) =880 
 I changed 37 to 40 because 37 is close to 40, also i can calculate 40 * 22 in my head fast. 
Then i used the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have same value, the product is positive.

  3)  (-72) * (+15) =  -1080 
est: (-70) * (+15) = 1050

I changed 72 to 70 because 72 is close to 70, also i can calculate 70 * 15 in my head fast. 
Then i used the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have different value, the product is negative.

 4)   (-28) * (-47) = 1316
est: (-30) * (-45) = 1350

I changed 28 to 30, 47 to 45 because 28 is close to 30,and 47 is close to 45 also i can calculate 30 * 45 in my head fast. Then i used the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have same value, the product is positive.

12. A telephone company offer its customer a $15 discount per month if they also sign up for internet service. how much is the annual discount?
     (+12) * (-15) = -180
     12 groups of (-15)
    12 month of $15.00 off
I used negative sign for $15 because discount means off (getting 15 dollars off each month)
annual means one year, there are 12 months in a year, and we have $15.00 off each year. 
so we need to calculate how much is the annual discount, we multiply 12 by -15 because we have 12 groups of -15. Then we use the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have different value, the product is negative. 12 * 15 equals 180, the answer has to be negative so, it is -180.

13. A hot air balloon is descending at 60 m/min. how far does it descend in 25 min?
        (+25) * (-60) = -1500 
       25 groups of (-60)
      25 min of 60 m/ min
I used negative sign for 60 m because descend means going down, the hot air balloon is going down 60 m/ min.
The hot air balloon is descending at 60 m/min, and the question ask how far does it descend in 25 min? that means, we have 25 groups of 60 because , 60 m/ min, and there are 25 of them. To solve this question we need to multiply 25 by (-60). we can use the sign rule to solve this question, when the integers have different value, the product is negative.  25 * 60 = 1500, the answer has to be negative so it is 


here is a video that can help you with multiplying integers (with the chip model)
multiplying integers is not hard, you can do it!
hope my scribe can help you!


+5           +5         
_____>_____>   +10




(+10) X (+4)= 40

(+6) X (-5)= -30


+37   +22   ESTIMATE    (+40) X (+20)= 800  

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Pam's Scribe Post

integers lesson
When multiplying integers, here is the basic lesson.
Here's an example:
(+7) x (+2)=
In words, this would be seven groups of positive 2.
In repeated addition: (+2) + (+2) + (+2) + (+2) + (+2) + (+2) + (+2) =
You could use integer chips as so:

The red symbolizes positive.

You can also represent this equation as a number line, either vertical or horizontal.

And you'll have your answer, which is (+14).

Here's something new:

scribe rule
When the integers have the same value (+ or -), the product is positive.
When the integers have different values (+, - ), the product is negative.
Let's apply this rule.
(+5) x (+4) =
Just multiply and then see whether or not the signs match or not.
5x4= 20
both positive, so the answer is positive.
(+ 5) x (+4) = +20)
(-6) x (+2)=
Multiply, 6x2= 12
They have different signs, meaning it's negative.
(-7) x (-8)=
Find the answer of 7x8, = 56
Then to see whether 56 or the answer is positive or negative, check the signs.
The two signs are the same, meaning the answer is going to be positive.
= (+56)
sign rule part 2
When multiplying integers , count the negative signs. When the number turns out to be an even number, it is going to be a positive product, and an odd number while counting equals to a negative product.
For example: (+4) x (+6) x (-7) x (-1) =
count the negative signs, and there are 2.
2 is an even number, therefor the answer will turn out to be a positive product.
To solve it, just do order of operations.
(+4) x (+6) x (-7) x (--1) =
(+24) x (-7) x (-1) =

(-168) x (-1)=
(+168) = answer. :)
See, it's a positive product.

Let's try this again.
(-4) x (-1) x (-3) x (+2) =
by following the same rule from before, this must be a negative product since there are 3 negative signs, and 3 is odd.

(-4) x (-1) x (-3) x (+2) =
(+4) x (-3) x (+2) =
(-12) x (+2)=
(-24) = answer
Let's try with more factors.
(-4) x (+2) x (-1) x (+1) x (-5) x (+1) =
There are 3 negatives, and 3 is an odd number meaning that the answer is going to be a negative product.

(-4) x (+2) x (-1) x (+1) x (-5) x (+1) =
(-8) x (-1) x (+1) x (-5) x (+1) =
(+8) x (+1) x (-5) x (+1) =
(+8) x (-5) x (+1) =
(-40) x (+1) =
(-40)= answer.
See it wasn't that bad.
If you're having problems with multiplying integers, please refer to the video below,

Please feel free to play this game, and apply the sign rules to your answers. :)

Integer Multiplication Game

Have fun, and Good Luck! :)

Monday, January 13, 2014

Joanna's Scribe Post

Multiplying Integers
January 13, 2014

    There are 4 different kinds of equations that you'll might come across whenever you are multiplying integers.
Here are some examples...

(+2) x (+6)                (+2) x (-6)

These two equations have one important thing in common. Both equations are able to make groups or in other words, you are using repeated addition. 
What is repeated addition?
How do you make groups?

Repeated addition is another way of multiplying. Instead, we add the groups of numbers we need. In this situation, the equation is...
 (+2) x (+6)
Repeated Addition is simple...         (+6) + (+6) = (+12)
As you can see, we are technically adding instead of multiplying. 
The equation asks you for 2 groups of +6 meaning, you should end up with 2 positive 6s'
                      two groups of 6                                                              (+6) + (+6) = 12  
                                     words                                                                                            repeated addition

Here is another equation that relates to making groups

(+2) x (-6) 

This is a different equation because instead of making groups of positive numbers, you are making groups of negatives. The steps are still the same.

You have two groups of (-6)

(-6) + (-6) = (-12)

              two groups of negative six                                                    (-6) + (-6) = (-12)  
                                  words                                                                                                repeated addition

The next equations will be a little different. Instead of making groups, we are removing them.

(-3) x (+3)                        (-3) x (-3)

The trick is to add zero pairs

♫ Whenever something is not there, You must add a zero pair! 

(-3) x (+3) 

In words this would be, remove two groups of three

You must indicate the arrows pointing out. This will show that you are removing.

Remove two groups of positive three = owe 9

(-3) x (-3) 

Remove three groups of negative three = have 9

Making groups - join the party
Removing groups - leave the party

Here's a video that I hope will make it easier for you to understand multiplying integers


Also, if you feel the need for a game to help you with this topic, try this game out!

Thanks For Reading
Good Luck!

Katrina's Integer Scribe Post

Adding and Subtracting integers  


+7+-2= -5
have 7 and owe 2= owe 5

If you have to show the work you put 7 positive and 2 negatives.
+ + + + + + +
-  -            

After you draw you find the zero pairs.

+ + + + + + +
-  -            

That is how you get the answer. 


To add or subtract something that's not there you have to do the zero pair. You only use the zero pairs when you happen to see 2 negative sign right beside each other.


6-(-9)= 15

have 6 and remover -9

+ + + + + +    - - - - - - - - - >>>>>> remove
                      + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + = 15

~ We have 6 and we owe9 but we can't remover 9 from 6 because 9 is a higher number than 6, so we have to add the zero pairs. We need to add 9 zero pairs and remover 9 zero pairs. Now we have 6 and have 9, we add those two numbers together and we got the answer. :)

6+9= 15


(-3) - 5= -8 ( we don't have to remove because we only remover when we have 2 negative sign together -(-7) ) 

owe 3 and owe 5= owe 8

1 -(- 2)= 3

Have 1 and remove owe 2= Have 3

+       - - >>>>>>>>>>>> remove.
        + +

+++= have 3

(-8) - 4= 12

owe 8 and owe 4= owe 12

- - - - - - - -    - - - - 

Lizley's Pay It Forward

We start volunteering at Winnipeg Harvest on our 2nd week here in Winnipeg. My parents joined first, then they invited us to volunteer for the next Saturday, so we start to volunteer every other Saturdays. We volunteer sorting breads, creating boxes, cleaning and sorting goods. We work from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.


Mariana Santos 8-14

Percent- is an equivalent fraction out of a whole.

Part 1 - How to find key percents 

  • 50% - I can find 50 % of a number by dividing it by 2
  • 10% - I can find 10% of a number by dividing it by 10
  • 1% - I can find 1% of a number by dividing it by 100 
  • 25%- I can find 25% of a number by dividing it by 4

Part 2- You need to have 3 images showing Representing Percents.  You choose the 3 but you could

  • 180% 

  • 12 3/4 % 
  • 0.7%

    3.You need to explain how to convert from Decimals to Percents to Fractions.  Choose 3  sets
    • 26%                           
    • 7/10 ( 7/10 x 100 = 
    • 0.024                           




Paying it forward is a benefit that involve doing something good for someone in response to a good deed done on your behalf or a gift you receive. When you pay it forward it doesn't have to be something extraordinary or elegant. It is something you are cable of doing it. Also when paying it forward, however, you don't repay it to the person who did something nice to you. Instead you do something nice to someone else, like neighbors, families, friends, etc. The movie pay it forward, a boy named Trevor was given an opportunity to change the world  and put it into actions. He decides that if he can do three good deeds to someone. This assignment was given us student a chance to make a difference like Trevor.



My pay it forward act of kindness is only one action: stick a notes with candy canes in front of my neighbor's door.


I choose this activity because it's something that I can really do well and something that I'am capable of doing it. By doing this activity I discovered that even though your neighbors don't see what is your doing, you can feel the greatness inside that your actually doing this to them to make them happy.    


I had mostly helped my neighbors. I helped them by making them happy. I stick a notes in front of my neighbors door. I did that because, even though their tired from work they will feel great.


On the first day, me and my family went to Super Store to buy candy canes and also groceries, after that I made notes for my neighbors. On the second day I stick every notes and candy canes together and put it in a bag, after that I went out side and just stick the notes to my neighbors door.


I started my act of kindness on December 28 and December 29, 2013.



Of course it wasn't easy because it was cold outside. I thought making a difference was easy to do and I didn't think that I'am going to achieve my assignment. I know I work hard but when you feel the hardness that you go through to make changes in the world you'll forget that hardness.


I just did it on my own because my parents have work and my sister have her own business, so I need to help my self, if not no one will help me. I just take a photo of one note in my neighbors door. So I was grateful that I actually finish my assignment without help form others.

I feel great because I actually make some changes in the world, even though I just did a little bit of help to make them great. Also happy because I finish this assignment.


I actually don't know, I would guess they will react unthinkable where the notes came from and also I guess thankful.


Actually no, because the point of this assignment is you are willing to help other people without  asking them what you actually need to do to help them or make their day good, just do what is best to make a differnce.


My first reason, why I didn't ask the person to pay it forward, it's because I'm shy and sometimes the people were not at their home so I just did it without asking them.



The idea of pay it forward is important because it's something that will inspired people of doing good or nice things to other people. I think pay it forward is important because we can learn something from it like how to help other people without thinking that "Am I going to help them, or not" and also it's important because you are making a difference, inspiring other people and and you are helping to change the world.


I think my act of kindness made a difference, even though you only did small thing to them. It doesn't matter though, how big or small you did to make a difference.


Sunday, January 12, 2014


Andrea's Integer Scribe Post

We're learning about adding and subtracting

you have to learn about:

  • How to add and subtract in integers
  • Have and owe
  • Integer tiles
  • Number line
  • Zero pair
  • When to use brackets

I will show you some question and show you how to solve it.

Have and owe:
  1. 10+(-2)=
Use the have word for positive and owe for negative.
  1. 10+(-2)=8
have 10 and owe 2=have 8
Use 'and' for add sign.

Integer tiles:
  1. 6+(-7)=
use integer tiles to show how to solve it easy.
  1. 6+(-7)=-1
have 6 and owe 7=owe 1

Number line:
  1. 9+(-6)=
Another way to show how to solve it easy.
  1. 9+(-6)= 3
have 9 and owe 6= have 3
   < 9
Zero pairs:
  1. 3+(-3)=
zero pairs is when positive and negative have the same amount.
  1. 3+(-3)= 0
have 3 and owe 3 = 0

When to use brackets:
  1. -9--8=
you notice there is something wrong with this question,now it's the time to use the bracket.
so after you put the bracket the question will look like something like this.Then answer.(remember only use bracket if there's a double negative.)
  1. -9[-(-8)]= -1
owe 9 remove have 8 = owe 1
---------  ++++++++
[++++++++  ]

you use the "remove" word instead of "and" to every question where - and a question with a bracket.

Subtracting integer:
Subtracting integer is same as adding where you use:have and owe,integer tiles, number line, zero pairs, and brackets.

  1. (-5)-3=
If the question have both same type like "negative and negative" you just have to add them together to get the answer even if it's subtracting.
  1. (-5)-3= -8
owe 5 and owe 3 = owe 8



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